Individual Abstracts

This post is also available in: French

Submission Deadline:  May 1, 2013

The Conference organizers invite abstracts on cutting edge research and program results directed at enabling individuals in the world, especially in low-income areas, to achieve their contraceptive and reproductive intentions.  Of particular interest are abstracts on research demonstrating how family planning benefits and advances the health and wealth of people and nations and on high impact or best practices of family planning programs and service delivery models.  Abstracts using strong scientific/evaluation methods will be given priority in the review and acceptance process.

Below are topics of special interest.  Abstracts with a focus that does not easily fit one of these will be considered but should be submitted using the “Other topics” category on the form.

1 Family planning practice
Patterns and trends in contraceptive use and method mix
Contraceptive continuation/failure
Use of long‐acting methods, emergency contraception, female condoms
Cultural and behavioral barriers to use

2 Family planning policy
Frameworks: Post MDG, ICPD and beyond, FP2020
PMA and transparency in FP2020
Strategies for contraceptive security
Leadership development

3 Family planning, rights and empowerment
Contraceptive choice
Human rights

4 Effective family planning programs
Essential dimensions of equity, cost, quality, scale and access
Scaling up
FP acceptability (social norms, perceptions, beliefs)
Translating FP research into action
Demand and supply side interventions
Health communications
Trained workforce
Health systems strengthening
High‐impact practices

5 Contraceptive financing
Performance‐based financing, health insurance models
Budget monitoring and costing FP
Expanding private sector participation

6 Family planning and adolescents
Youth‐oriented service delivery innovations and models
Developing youth leaders
FP use by youth (acceptability, use and continuation)

7 Innovations in contraceptive service delivery
Community‐based models
Task shifting
mHealth and information technology applications
Supply chain management
Total market approach
Postpartum family planning

8 Family planning and sustainable development
Socioeconomic impacts of FP
Demographic dividend
Gender equality

9 Health benefits of family planning
FP for people living with HIV
FP and maternal and child survival
Gender‐based violence
Birthspacing and the 1000‐day window for child development

10 Contraceptive technology updates
Male contraceptive methods
Multi‐purpose prevention technologies

11 Integrating family planning services
Child health services
Maternal health care
Sexual health services (HIV, PMTCT, STI, cervical cancer)
Education, environment, agriculture, sports and other sectors

12 Family planning and abortion
Post‐abortion FP
Unsafe abortion

13 Family planning for underserved or vulnerable populations
Men, displaced/refugee, persons with disabilities, older persons

14 Innovations in family planning monitoring, evaluation and research
Health management information systems and indicators
Evolution of population‐based surveys
Empowering decisionmakers with data
Impact assessment methods

15 Other
The language of family planning
Late‐breaking results

Individual Abstract Submission
Individual abstracts may address a) research findings or b) effective program practices.  Each should be no longer than 800 words in length and should follow their respective outlines below.  Individuals submitting abstracts should ensure they provide sufficient detail for external reviewers to evaluate their work.

Outline for Abstracts

Research abstract Program/Best Practice abstract
1.  Significance/background
2.  Main question/hypothesis
3.  Methodology (location, study design, data source, time frame, sample size, analysis approach)
4.  Results/key findings
5.  Knowledge contribution
1.  Significance/background
2.  Program intervention/activity tested
3.  Methodology (location, setting, data source, time frame, intended beneficiaries, participant size, evaluation approach)
4.  Results/key findings
5.  Program implications/lessons

Evaluation Criteria
1.  Originality – Contains significant new findings
2.  Quality – Significantly advances evidence base for addressing family planning needs
3.  Importance – Directly addresses key themes for conference
4.  Presentation – Clearly presents material according to outline (with headings)

*Abstracts should be submitted in English or French by May 1, 2013. Submitters will receive an e-mail acknowledging receipt. The corresponding author will be notified regarding abstract decisions by June 24, 2013.

Individual Abstract Submission Instructions_English
Individual Abstract Submission Instructions_French

If you are unable to submit online, then please complete the below form and email the form along with your submission to, [email protected]
Individual Abstract Submission Form_English
Individual Abstract Submission Form_French

 Note persons with accepted presentations, either as individuals or on panels, will be restricted in their appearance on the conference program to two times.  This is to provide opportunity for a broadened base of conferee participation. 

Conference Travel Support
Limited travel support is available. Only individuals whose abstracts are selected for oral presentation will be eligible to apply. Priority will be given to junior researchers.  Travel support application forms will be provided with notification letters.