Research presented at the 2011 International Conference on Family Planning has been published in the International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics! Links to the full-text articles may be found on the ICFP Papers page.

Youth Voices Series: Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health
Many of our ICFP Youth 2013 from the International Conference on Family Planning are still on the ground in their communities advocating for sexual and reproductive health months after the conference has ended. FHI 360 has highlighted a few of them here.
Implementing youth-friendly health services in Malawi
Barwani Msiska, a youth advocate from Malawi, discusses the critical role of policy change in the improvement of youth sexual and reproductive health.
Why I choose to be a youth advocate for family planning
Burcu Bozkurt, a youth advocate, explains why she is so passionate about the sexual and reproductive health of young people.
One youth’s quest to improve reproductive health in Nigeria
Isaiah Owolabi, a participant in the Interagency Youth Working Group online forum, Following through on the 2013 ICFP: Youth, SRHR and policy change, offers his views on youth sexual and reproductive health.

Tribute for Jose G. Rimon II
Jose G. Rimon II, Senior Scientist and Interim Director of the Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health, was given a “tribute” by a high level forum in the Philippines, January 28, 2014, for his contributions to revitalizing the global agenda for family planning with his key roles in the organization of the London Summit on Family Planning and the 2013 International Conference on Family Planning, held in Addis, Ethiopia, Nov. 12-15, 2013.

Family Planning: Dean Michael Klag’s Trip to Africa
Dean Michael Klag of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health visited Africa along with several notable champions of Family Planning from around the world.

A Year in Review: 2013 Highlights in Global Health
USAID released its 2013 Year in Review and highlighted the release of the first annual Family Planning 2020 (FP2020) Progress Report at the 2013 International Conference on Family Planning. Please read and share.

PodMed: Reflections on ICFP 2013 with Linnea Zimmerman
Linnea Zimmerman, PhD Candidate, at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, sat down with Elizabeth Tracey, Director of Electronic Media for Johns Hopkins Medicine, to reflect on the 2013 International Conference on Family Planning and to chat about being the Chair of Mobile Family Planning Sessions for the conference. Take a listen below.
Weekly Podcast: PodMed