Other hotels

*We have not been able to confirm pricing for these but wanted to be sure our attendees know that they are options as well.*

Hotel Name: Addis View Hotel
Hotel #: 251-111-249-766
Fax #: 251-111-249765
Email: [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected]
Website: http://www.addisviewhotel.com
Hotel Name: Archi Hotel
Hotel #: 215-11-646- 6949 / 0911134834
Fax #:
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.archihotel.com
Hotel Name: Central Shoa Hotel
Hotel #: 251-116-611-454 / 251-111-632-554
Fax #: 251-11-661-0063
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.central.com
Hotel Name: Concord Hotel
Hotel #: 251-11-465-4959
Fax #: 251-11-465-3950
Email: [email protected]
Hotel Name: Dimitri Hotel
Hotel #: 251-11-645-3307 / 251-11-645-3282
Fax #:
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://dimitrihotel.com
Hotel Name: Getasetegn Tilahun (SGS) Hotel
Hotel #: 251-11-155-0128/29
Fax #: 251-11-155-0130
Hotel Name: Giovanni Hotel
Hotel #: 251-11-618-7480
Fax #: 251-11-662-6930
Email: [email protected]
Hotel Name: Global Hotel
Hotel #: 251-11-466-4766
Fax #: 251-11-4664723
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.globalhotel.com.et
Hotel Name: Green Valley Hotel
Hotel #: 251-11-124-6000
Fax #:
Hotel Name: Harambee Hotel
Hotel #: 251-11-551-4000
Fax #: 251-115-514-136
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
Hotel Name: Hotel D’Afrique
Hotel #: 251-11-551-7385
Fax #: 251-11-551-4519
Website: http://www.hoteldafrique.com/
Hotel Name: Hotel De France
Hotel #: 251-11-554-7389/90
Fax #: 251-11-554-7391
Email: [email protected]
Hotel Name: Ibex Hotel
Hotel #: 251-118-959-700/01/02
Fax #: 251-114-653737
Email: [email protected]
Hotel Name: Jerusalem Hotel
Hotel #: 251-11-155-1712 / 251-111-576-526
Fax #: 251-11-155-0573
Hotel Name: Kaleb Hotel
Hotel #: 251-11-662-2200
Fax #: 251-11-662-2213
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.kalebhotel.com
Hotel Name: Kings Hotel
Hotel #: 251-11-371-1300
Fax #: 251-11-371-0744
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.kingshotelethiopia.com
Hotel Name: Mimosa Hotel
Hotel #: 251-11-661-6690/92
Fax #: 251-11-618-5138
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.mimosahotel.com
Hotel Name: Nigist Towers
Hotel #: 251-11-550-9770
Fax #:
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.nigisttowers.com
Hotel Name: Plaza Hotel
Hotel #: 251-11-661-2200
Fax #: 251-11-661-3044
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.plazaaddis.com
Hotel Name: Queen Of Sheba Hotel
Hotel #: 251-11-618-0000
Fax #: 251-11-661-3174
Email: [email protected]
Hotel Name: Sadula Lodge
Hotel #: 251-116-188-587/251-116-188-589/251-11-618-8519
Fax #: 251-116-188-538
Website: www.sadulahotellodge.com
Hotel Name: Sidama Lodge
Hotel #: 251-116-1879-46
Fax #: 251-116-1879-60
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://sidamalodge.net
Hotel Name: Stay Easy Hotel
Hotel #:
Fax #:
Website: http://www.stayeasyaddis.com/
Hotel Name: Three Days International Hotel
Hotel #: 251-11-661 25 83,+251-11-661 2582,+251-11-661 24 31,+251-11-661 24 19
Fax #: 251-116-62 94 44
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.3daysinternationalhotel.com
Hotel Name: Tiga Hotel
Hotel #: 251-11-618-8851/52
Fax #: 251-11-618-8849
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.tigahotel.com
Hotel Name: Top Ten Hotel
Hotel #: 251-116-464-449/251-116-460-266
Fax #: 251-116-455-696
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
Website: [email protected]
Hotel Name: Veronica Hotel
Hotel #: 251-11-663-2471
Fax #:
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.ethioveronicahotel.com